Populating a volume of a Standalone PVC

This guide will show you how to use KubeStash to populate the volume of a Stand-alone PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC). We’ll walk through backing up a Stand-alone PVC and then restoring the backed up data to a new PVC in a Kubernetes-native way with KubeStash.

Before You Begin

To keep everything isolated, we are going to use a separate namespace called demo throughout this tutorial.

$ kubectl create ns demo
namespace/demo created

Note: YAML files used in this tutorial are stored in docs/guides/volumes/pvc/examples directory of kubestash/docs repository.

Prepare Volume

At first, let’s prepare our desired PVC. Here, we are going to create a PVC. Then, we are going to mount this PVC with a Pod. Pod will generate a sample file into that PVC.

Create PersistentVolumeClaim:

Below, is the YAML of the PVC that we are going to create,

kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: target-pvc
  namespace: demo
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 1Gi

Let’s create the PVC we have shown above,

$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubestash/docs/raw/v2025.2.10/docs/guides/volume-populator/pvc/examples/target-pvc.yaml

persistentvolumeclaim/target-pvc created

Deploy Workload:

Now, we are going to deploy a sample pod demo-pod that will mount /sample/data path of the target-pvc. This pod will generate a sample file named hello.txt with some demo data inside that file.

Below, is the YAML of the pod that we are going to deploy,

kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
  name: demo-pod
  namespace: demo
  - name: busybox
    image: busybox
    command: ["/bin/sh", "-c","echo 'hello from pod.' > /sample/data/hello.txt && sleep 3000"]
    - name: my-volume
      mountPath: /sample/data
  - name: my-volume
      claimName: target-pvc

Let’s deploy the pod we have shown above,

$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubestash/docs/raw/v2025.2.10/docs/guides/volume-populator/pvc/examples/demo-pod.yaml
pod/demo-pod created

Verify that the sample data has been generated into /sample/data/ directory,

$ kubectl exec -n demo demo-pod -- cat /sample/data/hello.txt
hello from pod.

Prepare Backend

Now, we are going to backup the PVC target-pvc to a GCS bucket using KubeStash. For this, we have to create a Secret with necessary credentials and a BackupStorage object. If you want to use a different backend, please read the respective backend configuration doc from here.

For GCS backend, if the bucket does not exist, KubeStash needs Storage Object Admin role permissions to create the bucket. For more details, please check the following guide.

Create Secret:

Let’s create a Secret named gcs-secret with access credentials of our desired GCS backend,

$ echo -n '<your-project-id>' > GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID
$ cat /path/to/downloaded/sa_key_file.json > GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_KEY
$ kubectl create secret generic -n demo gcs-secret \
    --from-file=./GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID \
secret/gcs-secret created

Create BackupStorage:

Now, create a BackupStorage custom resource specifying the desired bucket, and directory inside the bucket where the backed up data will be stored.

Below is the YAML of BackupStorage object that we are going to create,

apiVersion: storage.kubestash.com/v1alpha1
kind: BackupStorage
  name: gcs-storage
  namespace: demo
    provider: gcs
      bucket: kubestash-qa
      prefix: demo
      secretName: gcs-secret
      from: All
  default: true 
  deletionPolicy: WipeOut

Let’s create the BackupStorage object that we have shown above,

$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubestash/docs/raw/v2025.2.10/docs/guides/volume-populator/pvc/examples/backupstorage.yaml
backupstorage.storage.kubestash.com/gcs-storage created

Now, we are ready to backup our target volume to this backend.

Create RetentionPolicy:

Now, we have to create a RetentionPolicy object to specify how the old Snapshots should be cleaned up.

Below is the YAML of the RetentionPolicy object that we are going to create,

apiVersion: storage.kubestash.com/v1alpha1
kind: RetentionPolicy
  name: demo-retention
  namespace: demo
  default: true
    last: 2
  maxRetentionPeriod: 2mo
    last: 5
      from: Same

Notice the spec.usagePolicy that allows referencing the RetentionPolicy from all namespaces.For more details on configuring it for specific namespaces, please refer to the following RetentionPolicy usage policy.

Let’s create the RetentionPolicy object that we have shown above,

$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubestash/docs/raw/v2025.2.10/docs/guides/volume-populator/pvc/examples/retentionpolicy.yaml
retentionpolicy.storage.kubestash.com/demo-retention created


Now, we have to create a BackupConfiguration custom resource targeting the PVC that we have created earlier.

We also have to create another Secret with an encryption key RESTIC_PASSWORD for Restic. This secret will be used by Restic for both encrypting and decrypting the backup data during backup & restore.

Create Secret:

Let’s create a secret named encrypt-secret with the Restic password.

$ echo -n 'changeit' > RESTIC_PASSWORD
$ kubectl create secret generic -n demo encrypt-secret \
secret/encrypt-secret created

Create BackupConfiguration:

Below is the YAML of the BackupConfiguration object that we are going to create,

apiVersion: core.kubestash.com/v1alpha1
kind: BackupConfiguration
  name: pvc-backup
  namespace: demo
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    name:  target-pvc
    namespace: demo
    - name: gcs-backend
        namespace: demo
        name: gcs-storage
        name: demo-retention
        namespace: demo
    - name: frequent-backup
      sessionHistoryLimit: 3
        schedule: "*/5 * * * *"
          backoffLimit: 1
        - name: gcs-repository
          backend: gcs-backend
          directory: /pvc-backup-demo
            name: encrypt-secret
            namespace: demo
          deletionPolicy: WipeOut
        name: pvc-addon
          - name: logical-backup

Let’s create the BackupConfiguration object that we have shown above,

$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubestash/docs/raw/v2025.2.10/docs/guides/volume-populator/pvc/examples/backupconfiguration.yaml
backupconfiguration.core.kubestash.com/pvc-backup created

Verify Backup Setup Successful

If everything goes well, the phase of the BackupConfiguration should be in Ready state. The Ready phase indicates that the backup setup is successful.

Let’s check the Phase of the BackupConfiguration

$ kubectl get backupconfiguration -n demo
NAME             PHASE   PAUSED   AGE
pvc-backup       Ready            19s

Verify Repository:

Verify that the Repository specified in the BackupConfiguration has been created using the following command,

$ kubectl get repositories -n demo
gcs-repository                                       Ready                            28s

KubeStash keeps the backup for Repository YAMLs. If we navigate to the GCS bucket, we will see the Repository YAML stored in the kubestash-qa/demo/pvc-backup-demo directory.

Verify CronJob:

Verify that KubeStash has created a CronJob with the schedule specified in spec.sessions[*].scheduler.schedule field of BackupConfiguration object.

Check that the CronJob has been created using the following command,

$ kubectl get cronjob -n demo
NAME                                     SCHEDULE      SUSPEND   ACTIVE   LAST SCHEDULE   AGE
trigger-pvc-backup-frequent-backup       */5 * * * *   False     0        5s              40s

Wait for BackupSession:

Now, wait for the next backup schedule. You can watch for BackupSession CR using the following command,

$ watch -n 1 kubectl get backupsession -n demo -l=kubestash.com/invoker-name=pvc-backup

Every 1.0s: kubectl get backupsession -n demo -l=kubestash.com/invoker-name=pvc-backup                                                                                           workstation: Wed Jan  3 17:26:00 2024

NAME                                        INVOKER-TYPE          INVOKER-NAME     PHASE       DURATION   AGE
pvc-backup-frequent-backup-1704281100       BackupConfiguration   pvc-backup       Succeeded              60s

Here, the phase Succeeded means that the backup process has been completed successfully.

Verify Backup:

When backup session is complete, KubeStash will update the respective Repository to reflect the latest state of backed up data.

$ kubectl get repositories -n demo
gcs-repository   true        1                2.262 KiB   Ready   103s                     8m

At this moment we have one Snapshot. Run the following command to check the respective Snapshot.

Verify created Snapshot object by the following command,

$ kubectl get snapshots -n demo
NAME                                                       REPOSITORY       SESSION           SNAPSHOT-TIME          DELETION-POLICY   PHASE          AGE
gcs-repository-pvc-backup-frequent-backup-1704281100       gcs-repository   frequent-backup   2024-01-03T11:25:13Z   Delete            Succeeded      2m14s

When a backup is triggered according to schedule, KubeStash will create a Snapshot with the following labels kubestash.com/app-ref-kind: PersistentVolumeClaim, kubestash.com/app-ref-name: <pvc-name>, kubestash.com/app-ref-namespace: <pvc-namespace> and kubestash.com/repo-name: <repository-name>. We can use these labels to watch only the Snapshot of our desired Workload or Repository.

Now, lets retrieve the YAML for the Snapshot, and inspect the spec.status section to see the backup up components of the PVC.

$ kubectl get snapshots -n demo gcs-repository-pvc-backup-frequent-backup-1704281100 -oyaml
apiVersion: storage.kubestash.com/v1alpha1
kind: Snapshot
    kubestash.com/app-ref-kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    kubestash.com/app-ref-name: target-pvc
    kubestash.com/app-ref-namespace: demo
    kubestash.com/repo-name: gcs-repository
  name: gcs-repository-pvc-backup-frequent-backup-1704281100
  namespace: demo
      driver: Restic
      duration: 7.534461497s
      integrity: true
      path: repository/v1/frequent-backup/dump
      phase: Succeeded
      - hostPath: /kubestash-data
        id: f28441a36b2167d64597d66d1046573181cad81aa8ff5b0998b64b31ce16f077
        size: 11 B
        uploaded: 1.049 KiB
      size: 806 B

For stand-alone PVC, KubeStash takes backup from a stand-alone PVC. So, only one component has been taken backup. We use dump as the component name for a stand-alone PVC.

Populate Volume

This section will show you how to populate a volume with data from the Snapshot of the previous backup using KubeStash.

Create a Stand-alone PVC:

Now, we are going to create a stand-alone PVC with spec.dataSourceRef pointing to our Snapshot object.

kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: populate-pv
  namespace: demo
  - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 1Gi
    apiGroup: storage.kubestash.com
    kind: Snapshot
    name: gcs-repository-pvc-backup-frequent-backup-1704281100


  • spec.dataSourceRef specifies that which Snapshot we want to use for restoring and populating the volume.
  • We have referenced the Snapshot object that was backed up in the previous section.

Let’s create the PVC object that we have shown above,

$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubestash/docs/raw/v2025.2.10/docs/guides/volume-populator/pvc/examples/populate-pv.yaml
persistentvolumeclaim/populate-pv created

Wait for Populate Volume:

When you create a PVC with spec.dataSourceRef that refers our Snapshot object, KubeStash automatically creates a populator Job. Now, just wait for the volume population process to finish.

You can watch the PVC status using the following command,

$ watch -n 1 kubectl get pvc -n demo populate-pv

Every 1.0s: kubectl get pvc -n demo populate-pv                                workstation: Wed Jan  3 17:30:20 2024

NAME                STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
populate-pv         Bound    pvc-8d509c47-c26e-4039-8c03-49b25d126429   2Gi        RWO            standard       5d1

The output of the command shows the PVC status as Bound, indicating successful completion of the volume population.

Verify Restored Data :

We are going to create a new Pod with mounting our previously created PVC populate-pv to verify whether the restored data.

Below, the YAML of the Pod that we are going to create,

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: restored-pod
  namespace: demo
  - name: busybox
    image: busybox
    - sleep
    - "3600"
    - name: restore-data
      mountPath: /restore/data
  - name: restore-data
      claimName: populate-pv
      readOnly: false

Let’s create the Pod we have shown above.

$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubestash/docs/raw/v2025.2.10/docs/guides/volume-populator/pvc/examples/restored-pod.yaml
pod/restored-pod created

Now, wait for the Pod to go into the Running state.

$ kubectl get pod -n demo 
restored-pod   1/1     Running   0          25s

Verify that the backed up data has been restored in /restore/data directory for restored-pod pod using the following command,

$ kubectl exec -n demo restored-pod -- cat /restore/data/hello.txt
hello from pod.

Cleaning Up

To clean up the Kubernetes resources created by this tutorial, run:

kubectl delete backupconfiguration -n demo pvc-backup
kubectl delete backupstorage -n demo gcs-storage
kubectl delete retentionPolicy -n demo demo-retention
kubectl delete secret -n demo gcs-secret
kubectl delete secret -n demo encrypt-secret
kubectl delete pod -n demo demo-pod
kubectl delete -n demo pod restored-pod
kubectl delete pvc -n demo target-pvc
kubectl delete pvc -n demo populate-pv