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What is BackupVerifier

A BackupVerifier is a Kubernetes CustomResourceDefinition(CRD) which represents backup verification configurations.

BackupVerifier CRD Specification

Like any official Kubernetes resource, a BackupVerifier has TypeMeta, ObjectMeta and Spec sections. However, unlike other Kubernetes resources, it does not have a Status section.

A sample BackupVerifier is shown below,

kind: BackupVerifier
  creationTimestamp: "2024-11-01T06:30:14Z"
  generation: 1
  name: mysql-script-verifier
  namespace: demo
  resourceVersion: "28771"
  uid: 052b6035-4e16-4864-a3ab-bc0aa2bf1825
  function: kubedbverifier
      name: mysql-addon
        - name: logical-backup-restore
      kind: MySQL
      name: sample-mysql
      namespace: verify
  schedule: '*/5 * * * *'
    location: /tmp/config/
  sessionHistoryLimit: 2
  type: Script
    - mountPath: /tmp/config
      name: config-vol
    - configMap:
        name: config
      name: config-vol

Here, we are going to describe the various sections of a BackupVerifier object.

BackupVerifier Spec

A BackupVerifier object has the following fields in the spec section:


spec.restoreOption specifies the restore target and addonInfo for backup verification. It consists of the following fields:

  • target : indicates the target application where the data will be restored for verification. This field consists of apiGroup, kind, name and namespace. The backup target can be in a different namespace than the BackupConfiguration.
  • addon : specifies addon configuration that will be used to backup the target. Addon has the following fields:
    • name : specifies the name of the addon that will be used for the backup purpose.
    • tasks : specifies a list of backup tasks and their configuration parameters. To learn about the fields under task, see Task Reference.
    • containerRuntimeSettings : specifies runtime settings for the backup executor container. More information can be found here.
    • jobTemplate : specifies runtime configurations for the backup Job. More information can be found here.


spec.schedule specifies the schedule of backup verification in Cron format, see


spec.function specifies the name of a Function CR that defines a container definition which will execute the verification logic for a particular application.


spec.volumes indicates the list of volumes that should be mounted on the verification job.


spec.volumeMounts specifies the mount for the volumes specified in Volumes section.


spec.type indicate the types of verifier that will verify the backup. Valid types are:

  • RestoreOnly : KubeStash will create a RestoreSession with the tasks provided in BackupConfiguration’s verificationStrategies section.
  • Query : KubeStash operator will restore data and then create a job to run the queries.
  • Script : KubeStash operator will restore data and then create a job to run the script.


spec.query specifies the queries to be run to verify backup.


spec.script specifies the script to be run to verify backup. This has the following fields:

  • location : specifies the absolute path of the script file’s location.
  • args : specifies the arguments to be provided with the script.


spec.retryConfig specifies the behavior of the retry mechanism in case of a verification failure. This has the following fields:

  • maxRetry : specifies the maximum number of times KubeStash should retry the backup/restore process. By default, KubeStash will retry only 1 time.
  • delay : the amount of time to wait before next retry. If you don’t specify this field, KubeStash will retry immediately. Format: 30s, 2m, 1h etc.


spec.sessionHistoryLimit specifies how many BackupVerificationSessions and associate resources KubeStash should keep for debugging purpose. The default value is 1.


spec.runtimeSettings allow to specify Resources, NodeSelector, Affinity, Toleration, ReadinessProbe etc. To know more about the fields in runtimeSettings, see Runtime Settings

Next Steps

  • Learn how backup of workloads data works from here.
  • Learn how backup stand alone PVC works from here.