KubeStash PostgreSQL Addon

KubeStash v2024.9.30+ supports extending its functionality through addons. KubeStash PostgreSQL addon enables KubeStash to backup and restore PostgreSQL databases.

This guide will give you an overview of which PostgreSQL versions are supported and how the docs are organized.

Supported PostgreSQL Versions

Backup Versions

To find the supported PostgreSQL versions for backup operations in your Kubernetes cluster, you can inspect the .spec.availableVersions field of the postgres-backup function.

Let’s check the supported versions for backup:

$ kubectl get functions.addons.kubestash.com postgres-backup  -o yaml
apiVersion: addons.kubestash.com/v1alpha1
kind: Function
    meta.helm.sh/release-name: kubedb-kubestash-catalog
    meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: stash
  creationTimestamp: "2025-01-31T11:18:00Z"
  generation: 1
    app.kubernetes.io/instance: kubedb-kubestash-catalog
    app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
    app.kubernetes.io/name: kubedb-kubestash-catalog
    app.kubernetes.io/version: v2025.1.9
    helm.sh/chart: kubedb-kubestash-catalog-v2025.1.9
  name: postgres-backup
  resourceVersion: "47922"
  uid: b54e09ea-1099-4a3b-a8ee-94921294b0f5
  - backup
  - --namespace=${namespace:=default}
  - --backupsession=${backupSession:=}
  - --enable-cache=${enableCache:=}
  - --scratch-dir=${scratchDir:=}
  - --wait-timeout=${waitTimeout:=300}
  - --pg-args=${args:=}
  - --backup-cmd=${backupCmd:=}
  - --user=${user:=}
  - "12.17"
  - "14.10"
  - "16.1"
  - "17.2"
  image: ghcr.io/kubedb/postgres-restic-plugin:v0.14.0_${DB_VERSION}


  • spec.availableVersions lists the versions used to run pg_dump or pg_dumpall for backups, based on your database version.

Restore Versions

To find the supported PostgreSQL versions for restore operations in your Kubernetes cluster, you can inspect the .spec.availableVersions field of the postgres-restore function.

Let’s check the supported versions for restore:

$ kubectl get functions.addons.kubestash.com postgres-restore  -o yaml
apiVersion: addons.kubestash.com/v1alpha1
kind: Function
    meta.helm.sh/release-name: kubedb-kubestash-catalog
    meta.helm.sh/release-namespace: stash
  creationTimestamp: "2025-01-31T11:18:00Z"
  generation: 1
    app.kubernetes.io/instance: kubedb-kubestash-catalog
    app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm
    app.kubernetes.io/name: kubedb-kubestash-catalog
    app.kubernetes.io/version: v2025.1.9
    helm.sh/chart: kubedb-kubestash-catalog-v2025.1.9
  name: postgres-restore
  resourceVersion: "47896"
  uid: cac78178-c1c2-4761-a848-69cb4c0bb9d6
  - restore
  - --namespace=${namespace:=default}
  - --restoresession=${restoreSession:=}
  - --snapshot=${snapshot:=}
  - --enable-cache=${enableCache:=}
  - --scratch-dir=${scratchDir:=}
  - --wait-timeout=${waitTimeout:=300}
  - --pg-args=${args:=}
  - --user=${user:=}
  - "12.17"
  - "14.10"
  - "16.1"
  - "17.2"
  image: ghcr.io/kubedb/postgres-restic-plugin:v0.14.0_${DB_VERSION}


  • spec.availableVersions lists the versions used to run psql for restore, based on your database version.

Addon Version Compatibility

Any database version with a major version matching the supported PostgreSQL versions should generally be able to back up the database. For instance, if the function supports the 13.x version, it should work with any PostgreSQL database within the 14.x series. However, there may be exceptions where certain versions are incompatible. In such cases, use the specific version name that is explicitly supported.

Documentation Overview

KubeStash PostgreSQL documentations are organized as below: