If you are using a KubeDB-managed MariaDB database, please refer to the following guide. This guide covers backup and restore procedures for externally managed MariaDB databases.

Backup and Restore MariaDB database using KubeStash

KubeStash allows you to backup and restore MariaDB databases. It supports backups for MariaDB instances running in Standalone, Group Replication, and InnoDB cluster configurations. KubeStash makes managing your MariaDB backups and restorations more straightforward and efficient.

This guide will give you how you can take backup and restore your externally managed MariaDB databases using Kubestash.

Before You Begin

  • At first, you need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster. If you do not already have a cluster, you can create one by using Minikube or Kind.
  • Install kubedb-kubestash-catalog in your cluster following the steps here.
  • Install KubeStash in your cluster following the steps here.
  • Install KubeStash kubectl plugin following the steps here.
  • If you are not familiar with how KubeStash backup and restore MariaDB databases, please check the following guide here.

You should be familiar with the following KubeStash concepts:

To keep everything isolated, we are going to use a separate namespace called demo throughout this tutorial.

$ kubectl create ns demo
namespace/demo created

Note: YAML files used in this tutorial are stored in docs/addons/mariadb/logical/examples directory of kubestash/docs repository.

Backup MariaDB

KubeStash supports backups for MariaDB instances across different configurations, including Standalone, Group Replication, and InnoDB Cluster setups.

In this demonstration, we will focus on a Bitnami-managed MariaDB database configured in Standalone mode. The backup and restore process is similar for configurations using Group Replication and InnoDB Cluster as well.

Create a Sample MariaDB Database

Let’s create a sample MariaDB database guided by Bitnami MariaDB Helm chart MariaDB database.

$ helm install mariadb oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/mariadb -n demo

Pulled: registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/mariadb:20.2.2
Digest: sha256:2cf85469dcd5ecd1c67050b6973d399af7a80f384230004a736d349bf2b6db65
NAME: mariadb
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Feb 17 16:21:24 2025
STATUS: deployed
CHART NAME: mariadb

Did you know there are enterprise versions of the Bitnami catalog? For enhanced secure software supply chain features, unlimited pulls from Docker, LTS support, or application customization, see Bitnami Premium or Tanzu Application Catalog. See https://www.arrow.com/globalecs/na/vendors/bitnami for more information.

** Please be patient while the chart is being deployed **


  Watch the deployment status using the command: kubectl get pods -w --namespace demo -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=mariadb


  echo Primary: mariadb.mariadb.svc.cluster.local:3306

Administrator credentials:

  Username: root
  Password : $(kubectl get secret --namespace demo mariadb -o jsonpath="{.data.mariadb-root-password}" | base64 -d)

To connect to your database:

  1. Run a pod that you can use as a client:

      kubectl run mariadb-client --rm --tty -i --restart='Never' --image  docker.io/bitnami/mariadb:11.4.4-debian-12-r3 --namespace demo --command -- bash

  2. To connect to primary service (read/write):

      mysql -h mariadb.mariadb.svc.cluster.local -uroot -p my_database

To upgrade this helm chart:

  1. Obtain the password as described on the 'Administrator credentials' section and set the 'auth.rootPassword' parameter as shown below:

      ROOT_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace demo mariadb -o jsonpath="{.data.mariadb-root-password}" | base64 -d)
      helm upgrade --namespace demo mariadb oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/mariadb --set auth.rootPassword=$ROOT_PASSWORD

$ kubectl get pods -n demo
mariadb-0   1/1     Running   0          2m17s

$ kubectl get statefulset -n demo
mariadb   1/1     13m

Create Secret:

Now, create a Secret that contains the authentication username and password.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: mariadb-auth-secret
  namespace: demo
type: Opaque
  username: "root" # replace with your authentication username
  password: "PGRKUjtBVC" # replace with your authentication password

Create AppBinding:

Next, we need to manually create an AppBinding custom resource (CR) in the same namespace as the database secret. This AppBinding will contain the necessary connection details for the database we created earlier.

apiVersion: appcatalog.appscode.com/v1alpha1
kind: AppBinding
  name: mariadb-appbinding
  namespace: demo
    url: mariadb://mariadb.mariadb.svc.cluster.local:3306/mydb
    name: mariadb-auth-secret
  type: mariadb
  version: "11.4.4"


  • .spec.clientConfig.url Specifies the connection URL for the target database. You can construct the URL as follows:
    • mariadb://<host>:<port>/<primary_database>?ssl-mode=<sslmode_value>
  • .spec.secret Specifies the name of the secret containing the authentication credentials. In this case, we’ll use the secret we created earlier.
  • .spec.version Specifies the version of targeted database.

Insert Sample Data:

Now, connect to the database using the mariadb client. Once connected, create a new database and table, then insert some sample data into it.

$ kubectl exec -it -n demo mariadb-0 -- bash
Defaulted container "mariadb" out of: mariadb, preserve-logs-symlinks (init)
I have no name!@mariadb-0:/$ mariadb -u root -p
Enter password: 
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 8193
Server version: 11.4.4-MariaDB Source distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE DATABASE playground;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW DATABASES; 
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| my_database        |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| playground         |
| sys                |
| test               |
7 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> USE playground;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
MariaDB [playground]> CREATE TABLE playground.equipment ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, type VARCHAR(50), quant INT, color VARCHAR(25), PRIMARY KEY(id));

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.022 sec)

MariaDB [playground]> SHOW TABLES IN playground;
| Tables_in_playground |
| equipment            |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [playground]> INSERT INTO playground.equipment (type, quant, color) VALUES ('slide', 2, 'blue');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.006 sec)

MariaDB [playground]> SELECT * FROM playground.equipment;
| id | type  | quant | color |
|  1 | slide |     2 | blue  |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [playground]> exit

Here’s what we’ve done so far:

  • Created a sample MariaDB database named playground.

Now, we are ready to backup the database.

Prepare Backend

We are going to store our backed up data into a GCS bucket. We have to create a Secret with necessary credentials and a BackupStorage CR to use this backend. If you want to use a different backend, please read the respective backend configuration doc from here.

Create Secret:

Let’s create a secret called gcs-secret with access credentials to our desired GCS bucket,

$ echo -n '<your-project-id>' > GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID
$ cat /path/to/downloaded-sa-key.json > GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_KEY
$ kubectl create secret generic -n demo gcs-secret \
    --from-file=./GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID \
secret/gcs-secret created

Create BackupStorage:

Now, create a BackupStorage using this secret. Below is the YAML of BackupStorage CR we are going to create,

apiVersion: storage.kubestash.com/v1alpha1
kind: BackupStorage
  name: gcs-storage
  namespace: demo
    provider: gcs
      bucket: kubestash-qa
      prefix: demo
      secretName: gcs-secret
      from: All
  default: true
  deletionPolicy: Delete

Let’s create the BackupStorage we have shown above,

$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubestash/docs/raw/v2025.2.10/docs/addons/mariadb/logical/examples/backupstorage.yaml
backupstorage.storage.kubestash.com/gcs-storage created

Now, we are ready to backup our database to our desired backend.

Create RetentionPolicy:

Now, let’s create a RetentionPolicy to specify how the old Snapshots should be cleaned up.

Below is the YAML of the RetentionPolicy object that we are going to create,

apiVersion: storage.kubestash.com/v1alpha1
kind: RetentionPolicy
  name: demo-retention
  namespace: demo
  default: true
    last: 2
  maxRetentionPeriod: 2mo
    last: 3
      from: All

Let’s create the above RetentionPolicy,

$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubestash/docs/raw/v2025.2.10/docs/addons/mariadb/logical/examples/retentionpolicy.yaml
retentionpolicy.storage.kubestash.com/demo-retention created


We have to create a BackupConfiguration targeting the respective mariadb-appbinding AppBinding custom resource. This AppBinding resource contains all necessary connection information for the target MariaDB database. Then, KubeStash will create a CronJob for each session to take periodic backup of that database.

At first, we need to create a secret with a Restic password for backup data encryption.

Let’s create a secret called encrypt-secret with the Restic password,

$ echo -n 'changeit' > RESTIC_PASSWORD
$ kubectl create secret generic -n demo encrypt-secret \
secret "encrypt-secret" created

Create BackupConfiguration:

Below is the YAML for BackupConfiguration CR to backup the kubestash-test externally managed MariaDB database that we have created earlier,

apiVersion: core.kubestash.com/v1alpha1
kind: BackupConfiguration
  name: sample-mariadb-backup
  namespace: demo
    apiGroup: appcatalog.appscode.com
    kind: AppBinding
    name: mariadb-appbinding
    namespace: demo
    - name: gcs-backend
        namespace: demo
        name: gcs-storage
        name: demo-retention
        namespace: demo
    - name: frequent-backup
      sessionHistoryLimit: 3
        schedule: "*/5 * * * *"
        successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 1
        failedJobsHistoryLimit: 1
          backoffLimit: 1
        - name: gcs-mariadb-repo
          backend: gcs-backend
          directory: /mariadb
           name: encrypt-secret
           namespace: demo
        name: mariadb-addon
          - name: logical-backup
              args: --databases playground
  • .spec.sessions[*].schedule specifies that we want to backup the database at 5 minutes interval.
  • .spec.target refers to the mariadb-appbinding AppBinding custom resource, Which contains all necessary connection information for the target MariaDB database.
  • .spec.sessions[].addon.tasks[].params.databases refers the targeted backup database list.

Let’s create the BackupConfiguration CR that we have shown above,

$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubestash/docs/raw/v2025.2.10/docs/addons/mariadb/logical/examples/backupconfiguration.yaml
backupconfiguration.core.kubestash.com/sample-mariadb-backup created

Verify Backup Setup Successful

If everything goes well, the phase of the BackupConfiguration should be Ready. The Ready phase indicates that the backup setup is successful. Let’s verify the Phase of the BackupConfiguration,

$ kubectl get backupconfigurations.core.kubestash.com -n demo
NAME                     PHASE   PAUSED   AGE
sample-mariadb-backup    Ready            50s

Additionally, we can verify that the Repository specified in the BackupConfiguration has been created using the following command,

$ kubectl get repo -n demo
gcs-mariadb-repo         true        3                6.744 KiB   Ready   99s                      14s

KubeStash keeps the backup for Repository YAMLs. If we navigate to the GCS bucket, we will see the Repository YAML stored in the demo/mariadb directory.

Verify CronJob:

It will also create a CronJob with the schedule specified in spec.sessions[*].scheduler.schedule field of BackupConfiguration CR.

Verify that the CronJob has been created using the following command,

$ kubectl get cronjob -n demo

NAME                                             SCHEDULE      TIMEZONE   SUSPEND   ACTIVE   LAST SCHEDULE   AGE
trigger-sample-mariadb-backup-frequent-backup    */5 * * * *   <none>     False     0        2m40s           5m16s

Verify BackupSession:

KubeStash triggers an instant backup as soon as the BackupConfiguration is ready. After that, backups are scheduled according to the specified schedule.

$ kubectl get backupsession -n demo

NAME                                                     INVOKER-TYPE          INVOKER-NAME                  PHASE       DURATION   AGE
sample-mariadb-backup-frequent-backup-1738680600         BackupConfiguration   sample-mariadb-backup         Succeeded   32s        3m34s

We can see from the above output that the backup session has succeeded. Now, we are going to verify whether the backed up data has been stored in the backend.

Verify Backup:

Once a backup is complete, KubeStash will update the respective Repository CR to reflect the backup. Check that the repository sample-mariadb-backup has been updated by the following command,

$ kubectl get repository -n demo gcs-mariadb-repo

gcs-mariadb-repo   true        3                6.744 KiB   Ready   34s                      4m9s

At this moment we have one Snapshot. Run the following command to check the respective Snapshot which represents the state of a backup run for an application.

$ kubectl get snapshots.storage.kubestash.com -n demo -l=kubestash.com/repo-name=gcs-mariadb-repo

NAME                                                              REPOSITORY         SESSION           SNAPSHOT-TIME          DELETION-POLICY   PHASE       AGE
gcs-mariadb-repo-sample-mariadb-ckup-frequent-backup-1738680444   gcs-mariadb-repo   frequent-backup   2025-02-04T14:47:24Z   Delete            Succeeded   5m18s
gcs-mariadb-repo-sample-mariadb-ckup-frequent-backup-1738680600   gcs-mariadb-repo   frequent-backup   2025-02-04T14:50:00Z   Delete            Succeeded   5m18s
gcs-mariadb-repo-sample-mariadb-ckup-frequent-backup-1738680900   gcs-mariadb-repo   frequent-backup   2025-02-04T14:55:00Z   Delete            Succeeded   106s

Note: KubeStash creates a Snapshot with the following labels:

  • kubestash.com/app-ref-kind: <target-kind>
  • kubestash.com/app-ref-name: <target-name>
  • kubestash.com/app-ref-namespace: <target-namespace>
  • kubestash.com/repo-name: <repository-name>

These labels can be used to watch only the Snapshots related to our target Database or Repository.

If we check the YAML of the Snapshot, we can find the information about the backed up components of the Database.

$ kubectl get snapshots.storage.kubestash.com -n demo gcs-mariadb-repo-sample-mariadb-backup-frequent-backup-1738680900 -oyaml
apiVersion: storage.kubestash.com/v1alpha1
kind: Snapshot
  creationTimestamp: "2025-02-04T14:55:00Z"
  - kubestash.com/cleanup
  generation: 1
    kubestash.com/app-ref-kind: AppBinding
    kubestash.com/app-ref-name: mariadb-appbinding
    kubestash.com/app-ref-namespace: demo
    kubestash.com/repo-name: gcs-mariadb-repo
  name: gcs-mariadb-repo-sample-mariadb-backup-frequent-backup-1738680900
  namespace: demo
  - apiVersion: storage.kubestash.com/v1alpha1
    blockOwnerDeletion: true
    controller: true
    kind: Repository
    name: gcs-mariadb-repo
    uid: bdb6288f-f3e7-4543-b26b-85477f735b6e
  resourceVersion: "2756460"
  uid: 0fdeea00-4236-4cd7-882b-e717f10bd10a
    apiGroup: appcatalog.appscode.com
    kind: AppBinding
    name: mariadb-appbinding
    namespace: demo
  backupSession: sample-mariadb-backup-frequent-backup-1738680900
  deletionPolicy: Delete
  repository: gcs-mariadb-repo
  session: frequent-backup
  snapshotID: 01JK8QA74KM5VQ6S2TTQSKNBV0
  type: FullBackup
  version: v1
      driver: Restic
      duration: 6.300290013s
      integrity: true
      path: repository/v1/frequent-backup/dump
      phase: Succeeded
      - hostPath: dumpfile.sql
        id: 9ab28fd7a447db63c929326344b7c85a3a6585eaeafcbc39e722088c3403ac2b
        size: 2.198 KiB
        uploaded: 2.490 KiB
      size: 6.746 KiB
  - lastTransitionTime: "2025-02-04T14:55:00Z"
    message: Recent snapshot list updated successfully
    reason: SuccessfullyUpdatedRecentSnapshotList
    status: "True"
    type: RecentSnapshotListUpdated
  - lastTransitionTime: "2025-02-04T14:55:20Z"
    message: Metadata uploaded to backend successfully
    reason: SuccessfullyUploadedSnapshotMetadata
    status: "True"
    type: SnapshotMetadataUploaded
  integrity: true
  phase: Succeeded
  size: 6.745 KiB
  snapshotTime: "2025-02-04T14:55:00Z"
  totalComponents: 1

KubeStash uses the mariadbdump command to take backups of target MariaDB databases. Therefore, the component name for logical backups is set as dump.

Now, if we navigate to the GCS bucket, we will see the backed up data stored in the demo/mariadb/repository/v1/frequent-backup/dump directory. KubeStash also keeps the backup for Snapshot YAMLs, which can be found in the demo/mariadb/snapshots directory.

Note: KubeStash stores all dumped data encrypted in the backup directory, meaning it remains unreadable until decrypted.


In this section, we are going to restore the database from the backup we have taken in the previous section. We are going to delete the backed-up database and initialize it from the backup.

Delete Backed-up Database:

Now, we have to delete the previously backed-up ‘playground’ database by connecting with the ‘kubestash-test’ MariaDB database using the mariadb client.

$ kubectl exec -it -n demo mariadb-0 -- bash
Defaulted container "mariadb" out of: mariadb, preserve-logs-symlinks (init)
I have no name!@mariadb-0:/$ mariadb -u root -p
Enter password: 
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 8568
Server version: 11.4.4-MariaDB Source distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW DATABASES;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| my_database        |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| playground         |
| sys                |
| test               |
7 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> DROP DATABASE playground;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.017 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW DATABASES;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| my_database        |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| sys                |
| test               |
6 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> exit

Above shows that ‘playground’ database are deleted successfully.

Create RestoreSession:

Now, we need to create a RestoreSession CR pointing to the targeted AppBinding of any externally managed MariaDB database.

Below, is the contents of YAML file of the RestoreSession object that we are going to create to restore backed up data into the newly created database provisioned by MariaDB object named restored-mariadb.

apiVersion: core.kubestash.com/v1alpha1
kind: RestoreSession
  name: restore-mariadb
  namespace: demo
    apiGroup: appcatalog.appscode.com
    kind: AppBinding
    name: mariadb-appbinding
    namespace: demo
    repository: gcs-mariadb-repo
    snapshot: latest
      name: encrypt-secret
      namespace: demo
    name: mariadb-addon
      - name: logical-backup-restore


  • .spec.target refers to the mariadb-appbinding AppBinding custom resource, Which contains all necessary connection information for the target MariaDB database.
  • .spec.dataSource.repository specifies the Repository object that holds the backed up data.
  • .spec.dataSource.snapshot specifies to restore from latest Snapshot.

Let’s create the RestoreSession CR object we have shown above,

$ kubectl apply -f https://github.com/kubedb/docs/raw/v2025.2.10/docs/addons/mariadb/logical/examples/restoresession.yaml
restoresession.core.kubestash.com/sample-mariadb-restore created

Once, you have created the RestoreSession object, KubeStash will create restore Job. Run the following command to watch the phase of the RestoreSession object,

$ watch kubectl get restoresession -n demo

Every 2.0s: kubectl get restoresession -n demo                                                                                          appscodepc-H510M-H: Tue Feb  4 21:09:50 2025

NAME                              REPOSITORY         PHASE       DURATION   AGE
sample-mariadb-restore            gcs-mariadb-repo   Succeeded   8s         70s

The Succeeded phase means that the restore process has been completed successfully.

Verify Restored Data:

In this section, we are going to verify whether the desired data has been restored successfully. We are going to connect to the database server and check whether the database and the table we backed-up earlier are successfully restored or not.

Now, connect to the database using the mariadb client. Once connected, check the database, table, and sample data existence.

$ kubectl exec -it -n demo mariadb-0 -- bash
Defaulted container "mariadb" out of: mariadb, preserve-logs-symlinks (init)
I have no name!@mariadb-0:/$ mariadb -u root -p
Enter password: 
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 8659
Server version: 11.4.4-MariaDB Source distribution

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW DATABASES;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| my_database        |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| playground         |
| sys                |
| test               |
7 rows in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [(none)]> USE playground;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
MariaDB [playground]> SHOW TABLES IN playground; 
| Tables_in_playground |
| equipment            |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [playground]> SELECT * FROM playground.equipment;  
| id | type  | quant | color |
|  1 | slide |     2 | blue  |
1 row in set (0.000 sec)

MariaDB [playground]> exit 

So, from the above output, we can see that the playground database and the equipment table we have created earlier, they are restored successfully.


To cleanup the Kubernetes resources created by this tutorial, run:

kubectl delete backupconfigurations.core.kubestash.com  -n demo sample-mariadb-backup
kubectl delete restoresessions.core.kubestash.com -n demo sample-mariadb-restore 
kubectl delete retentionpolicies.storage.kubestash.com -n demo demo-retention
kubectl delete backupstorage -n demo gcs-storage
kubectl delete secret -n demo gcs-secret
kubectl delete secret -n demo encrypt-secret
helm uninstall mariadb -n demo