KubeStash Architecture

KubeStash is a Kubernetes operator for restic. At the heart of KubeStash, it is a Kubernetes controller. It uses Custom Resource Definition(CRD) to specify targets and behaviors of backup and restore process in a Kubernetes native way. A simplified architecture of KubeStash is shown below:

  KubeStash Architecture
Fig: KubeStash Architecture


KubeStash consists of various components that implement backup and restore logic. This section will give you a brief overview of such components.

KubeStash Operator

When a user installs KubeStash, it creates a Kubernetes Deployment typically named kubestash-operator. This deployment controls the entire backup and restore process. kubestash-operator deployment runs two containers. One of them is called operator which performs the core functionality of KubeStash and the other one is a side-car proxy whose purpose is to protect the manager from malicious attacks (see kube-rbac-proxy, to learn more about its motivations).


operator container runs all the controllers as well as webhook server.


Controllers watch various Kubernetes resources as well as the custom resources introduced by KubeStash. It applies the backup or restore logic for a target resource when requested by users.


Backend is the storage where KubeStash stores backed up files. It can be a cloud storage like GCS bucket, AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage etc. or a Kubernetes persistent volume like NFS, PersistentVolumeClaim, etc. To learn more about backend, please visit here.


When a user creates a BackupConfiguration object, KubeStash creates a CronJob with the schedule specified in it. At each scheduled slot, this CronJob triggers a backup for the targeted workload.

Backup Job

When a user creates a BackupConfiguration object, KubeStash creates a job or multiple jobs (depending on target) to take backup at each trigger.

Restore Job

When a user creates a RestoreSession object, KubeStash creates a job or multiple jobs (depending on target) to restore the target.

Custom Resources

KubeStash uses Custom Resource Definition(CRD) to specify targets and behaviors of backup and restore process in a Kubernetes native way. This section will give you a brief overview of the custom resources used by KubeStash.

  • BackupStorage: A BackupStorage specifies the backend information where the backed up data of different applications will be stored. A user can consider BackupStorage as a representation of a bucket in Kubernetes native way. A user has to create BackupStorage object. For more details about BackupStorage, please visit here.

  • Repository: A Repository specifies the information about the targeted application that has been backed up and the BackupStorage where the backed up data is being stored. It also holds a list of recent Snapshots that have been taken in this Repository. KubeStash will create a Repository for a target. For more details about Repository, please visit here.

  • BackupConfiguration: A BackupConfiguration specifies the configuration for taking backup of a target application. A user has to create one BackupConfiguration object for each backup target. When a user creates a BackupConfiguration, KubeStash creates a Repository and a CronJob for it. For more details about BackupConfiguration, please visit here.

  • BackupSession: A BackupSession object represents a backup run of a target. It is created by respective CronJob at each scheduled time slot. It refers to a BackupConfiguration object for necessary configuration. A user can also create a BackupSession object manually to trigger instant backups. For more details about BackupSessions, please visit here.

  • RestoreSession: A RestoreSession represents one restore run for the targeted application. A user has to create a RestoreSession object when s/he wants to restore a target. When s/he creates a RestoreSession, KubeStash creates job or multiple jobs to restore. For more details about RestoreSession, please visit here.

  • HookTemplate: A HookTemplate defines a template for some action that will be executed before or/and after backup/restore process. For example, there could be a HookTemplate that pause an application before backup and another HookTemplate that resume the application after backup. A user has to create HookTemplate. For more details about HookTemplate, please visit here.

  • Addon: An Addon specifies the backup and restore capabilities for a particular resource. For example, MySQL addon specifies the backup and restore capabilities of MySQL database where Postgres addon specifies backup and restore capabilities for PostgreSQL database. An Addon CR defines the backup and restore tasks that can be performed by this addon. For more details about Addon, please visit here.

  • Function: A Function is a template for a container that performs a specific action, i.e. backup, restore etc. For more details about Function, please visit here.

  • BackupBlueprint: A BackupBlueprint enables user to define a common template for taking backup for all the similar applications. Then, user can just apply some annotations in the targeted application to enable backup. KubeStash will automatically resolve the template and create a BackupConfiguration for the targeted application. For more details about BackupBlueprint, please visit here.

  • Snapshot: A Snapshot represents the state of a backup run to a particular Repository. Multiple components of the same target may be backed up in the same Snapshot. KubeStash operator is responsible for creating Snapshot CR. Snapshot is not supposed to be created/edited by the end user. For more details about Snapshot, please visit here.

  • RetentionPolicy: A RetentionPolicy specifies how the old Snapshots should be cleaned up. A user has to create RetentionPolicy. For more details about RetentionPolicy, please visit here.