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What is Repository

A Repository is a Kubernetes CustomResourceDefinition(CRD) which represents the backup information for a specific application.

The KubeStash operator manages Repository objects, creating them based on information from a BackupConfiguration. When a BackupStorage is created with existing backup data, KubeStash automatically synchronizes the Repositories and Snapshots linked to it from the backend.

Repository CRD Specification

Like any official Kubernetes resource, a Repository object has TypeMeta, ObjectMeta, Spec and Status sections.

A sample Repository object that uses Google Cloud Storage(GCS) bucket as storage is shown below:

kind: Repository
  name: gcs-demo-repo
  namespace: demo
    apiGroup: apps
    kind: StatefulSet
    name: sample-sts
    namespace: demo
  deletionPolicy: Delete
    name: encrypt-secret
    namespace: demo
  path: /demo/data
    name: gcs-storage
    namespace: demo
  - repository/v1/demo-session/pod-0
  - repository/v1/demo-session/pod-1
  - repository/v1/demo-session/pod-2
  - lastTransitionTime: "2023-12-07T06:37:40Z"
    message: Successfully initialized repository
    reason: RepositoryInitializationSucceeded
    status: "True"
    type: RepositoryInitialized
  integrity: true
  lastBackupTime: "2023-12-07T06:38:00Z"
  phase: Ready
  - name: gcs-demo-repo-sample-backup-sts-demo-session-1701940920
    phase: Succeeded
    session: demo-session
    size: 12.222 MiB
    snapshotTime: "2023-12-07T06:38:10Z"
  size: 12.222 MiB
  snapshotCount: 1

Here, we are going to describe the various sections of the Repository crd.

Repository Spec

Repository CRD has the following fields in the .spec section:

  • spec.appRef : spec.AppRef refers to the application that is being backed up in this Repository.
  • spec.storageRef : spec.storageRef refers to the BackupStorage CR which contain the storage information where the backed up data will be stored. The BackupStorage could be in a different namespace. However, the Repository namespace must be allowed to use the BackupStorage.
  • spec.path : spec.path represents the directory inside the BackupStorage where this Repository is storing its data. This path is relative to the path of BackupStorage. This path must be unique for each Repository referring same BackupStorage.
  • spec.deletionPolicy : spec.deletionPolicy specifies what to do when a Repository CR is deleted. The valid values for this field are:
    • Delete : This will delete the respective Repository CR and associated Snapshot CRs from the cluster but keep the backed up data in the storage. This is the default behavior.
    • WipeOut : This will delete the respective Repository CR, associated Snapshot CRs and the backed up data in spec.path from the storage.
  • spec.encryptionSecret : refers to the Secret containing the encryption key which will be used to encode/decode the backed up data. You can refer to a Secret of a different namespace.
  • spec.paused : spec.paused specifies whether the Repository is paused or not. If the Repository is paused, KubeStash will not process any further event for the Repository.

Repository Status

Repository crd shows the following statistics in .status section:

  • status.phase : status.phase represents the current state of the Repository.
  • status.lastBackupTime : status.lastBackupTime specifies the timestamp when the last successful backup has been taken.
  • status.integrity : status.integrity specifies whether the backed up data of this Repository has been corrupted or not.
  • status.snapshotCount : status.snapshotCount specifies the number of current Snapshots stored in this Repository.
  • status.size : status.size specifies the size of the backed up data stored in the Repository.
  • status.recentSnapshots : status.recentSnapshots holds a list of recent Snapshot (maximum 5) information that has been taken in this Repository.
  • status.conditions : status.conditions represents list of conditions regarding this Repository. The following condition is set by the KubeStash operator on a Repository.
Condition TypeUsage
RepositoryInitializedindicates the Repository was initialized
  • status.componentPaths : status.componentPaths represents list of component paths in this Repository.

Next Steps

  • Learn how to create BackupStorage for different storages from here.
  • Learn how KubeStash backup workloads data from here.