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Concepts help you to learn about the different parts of the KubeStash and the abstractions it uses.

This concept section is divided into the following modules:

What is KubeStash?

  • Overview provides an introduction to KubeStash. It also gives an overview of the features it provides.
  • Architecture provides a visual representation of KubeStash architecture. It also provides a brief overview of the components it uses.

Declarative API

  • BackupStorage introduces the concept of BackupStorage crd that holds the backend information in a Kubernetes native way where the backed up data of different applications will be stored.
  • Repository introduces the concept of Repository crd that holds backup information for a specific application.
  • BackupConfiguration introduces the concept of BackupConfiguration crd that is used to configure backup for a target application in a Kubernetes native way.
  • BackupSession introduces the concept of BackupSession crd that represents a backup run triggered for a session of a BackupConfiguration for a target application.
  • RestoreSession introduces the concept of RestoreSession crd that represents a restore run for a target application.
  • HookTemplate introduces the concept of HookTemplate crd that represents a template for an action that will be executed before or/and after backup/restore process.
  • Addon introduces the concept of Addon crd which represents the backup and restore capabilities for a specific type of target.
  • Function introduces the concept of Function crd that represents a task of a backup or restore process.
  • BackupBlueprint introduces the concept of BackupBlueprint crd that represents a blueprint for BackupConfiguration objects. It allows for the automatic creation of BackupConfigurations for similar targets based on the blueprint.
  • Snapshot introduces the concept of Snapshot crd which represents the state of a backup run for one or more components of an application.
  • RetentionPolicy introduces the concept of RetentionPolicy crd that represents how the old Snapshots should be cleaned up.