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Guides show how to perform different operations with KubeStash. We have divided guides section into the following sub-sections:

  • Supported Backends: Describes how to configure different storage for storing backed up data.
  • Workload Volume Backup: Shows how to use KubeStash to backup and restore volumes of a workload (i.e. Deployment, StatefulSet, DaemonSet, etc).
  • Stand-alone Volume Backup: Shows how to use KubeStash to backup and restore stand-alone volumes(i.e. PersistentVolumeClaim).
  • Auto Backup: Shows how to configure automatic backup of any stateful workload in your cluster.
  • Volume Snapshot: Shows how KubeStash takes snapshot of PersistentVolumeClaims and restore them from snapshot using Kubernetes VolumeSnapshot API.
  • Platforms: Shows how to use KubeStash to backup and restore volumes of a Kubernetes workload running in different platforms.
  • Hooks: Shows how to execute different actions before/after the backup/restore process.
  • CLI: Shows how to manage KubeStash objects quickly and easily using KubeStash kubectl plugin.
  • Security: Describes different built-in cluster security support by KubeStash.