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What is BackupSession

A BackupSession is a Kubernetes CustomResourceDefinition(CRD) which represents a backup run triggered for a session of a BackupConfiguration for a target application.

KubeStash operator creates a Kubernetes CronJob according to the schedule for each session defined in a BackupConfiguration. On each backup schedule, this CronJob creates a BackupSession object that corresponds to the respective session specified in the BackupConfiguration. The BackupSession will trigger a backup executor job to initiate the backup process.

You can also create a BackupSession object manually to trigger backup at any time.

BackupSession CRD Specification

Like any official Kubernetes resource, a BackupSession has TypeMeta, ObjectMeta and Spec , Status sections.

A sample BackupSession created for backing up an Application and it’s components’ is shown below,

kind: BackupSession
  creationTimestamp: "2023-12-14T08:40:01Z"
  generation: 1
  name: sample-backup-sts-demo-session-1702543201
  namespace: demo
  - apiVersion:
    blockOwnerDeletion: true
    controller: true
    kind: BackupConfiguration
    name: sample-backup-sts
    uid: 83b71921-16be-4300-bc72-9eed5a94de58
  resourceVersion: "344530"
  uid: 948cd21a-cc2d-4c4a-ba8f-d5045ffa32f9
    kind: BackupConfiguration
    name: sample-backup-sts
  retryLeft: 2
  session: demo-session
  - lastTransitionTime: "2023-12-14T08:40:01Z"
    message: Snapshots have been ensured successfully.
    reason: SuccessfullyEnsuredSnapshots
    status: "True"
    type: SnapshotsEnsured
  - lastTransitionTime: "2023-12-14T08:40:01Z"
    message: Backup Executor has been ensured successfully.
    reason: SuccessfullyEnsuredBackupExecutor
    status: "True"
    type: BackupExecutorEnsured
  - lastTransitionTime: "2023-12-14T08:40:33Z"
    reason: SuccessfullyCleanedSessionHistory
    status: "True"
    type: SessionHistoryCleaned
  - lastTransitionTime: "2023-12-14T08:40:33Z"
    message: Metrics have been pushed successfully.
    reason: SuccessfullyPushedMetrics
    status: "True"
    type: MetricsPushed
  phase: Succeeded
  - phase: Applied
      name: demo-retention
      namespace: demo
    repository: gcs-demo-repo
  - appRef:
      apiGroup: apps
      kind: StatefulSet
      name: sample-sts
      namespace: demo
    name: gcs-demo-repo-sample-backup-sts-demo-session-1702543201
    phase: Succeeded
    repository: gcs-demo-repo

Here, we are going to describe the various sections of a BackupSession object.

BackupSession Metadata indicates the name of the BackupSession. This name is automatically generated by respective CronJob and it follows the following pattern: <BackupConfiguration name>-<session name>-<creation timestamp in Unix epoch seconds>.


metadata.namespace indicates the name of the BackupSession. It is the same as the namespace of respective BackupConfiguration object.

If you create BackupSession manually to trigger a backup instantly, make sure that you have provided a valid invoker at spec.invoker field to your BackupSession.

BackupSession Spec

A BackupSession object has the following fields in the spec section:


spec.invoker specifies the apiGroup, kind, and name of the respective object which is responsible for invoking this backup session.


spec.session specifies the name of the session that triggered this backup.


spec.retryLeft specifies the number of retry attempt left for this backup session. If this set to non-zero, KubeStash will create a new BackupSession if the current one fails.


spec.backupTimeout specifies the maximum duration of backup. Backup will be considered Failed if backup tasks do not complete within this time limit. By default, KubeStash don’t set any timeout for backup.

BackupSession Status

.status section of BackupSession shows stats and progress of backup process in this session. .status section consists of the following fields:


status.phase indicates the overall phase of the backup process for this BackupSession. It will be Succeeded only when all Snapshots are successfully completed and the post-backup actions are successful. If any of the snapshots fail to complete backup, status.phase will be Failed.


status.duration specifies the time required to complete the backup process.


status.backupDeadline indicates the deadline of the backup process. Backup will be considered Failed if it does not complete within this deadline.


status.snapshots specifies the Snapshots status. It contains the following fields:

  • name : indicates to the name of the Snapshot.
  • phase : indicates the phase of the Snapshot.
  • appRef : points to the application that is being backed up in this Snapshot.
  • repository : indicates the name of the Repository where the Snapshot is being stored.


status.hooks represents the hook execution status. Each hook contains the following fields:

  • preHooks : represents the pre-restore hook execution status.
  • postHooks : represents the post-restore hook execution status.

Each preHook or postHook contains the following fields:

  • name : indicates the name of the hook whose status is being shown here.
  • phase : represents the hook execution phase.


status.retentionPolicy specifies whether the retention policies were properly applied on the repositories or not. Each one of them consists of the following fields:

  • ref : points to the RetentionPolicy CR that is being used to cleanup the old Snapshots for this session.
  • repository : specifies the name of the Repository on which the RetentionPolicy has been applied.
  • phase : specifies the state of retention policy apply process.
  • error : represents the reason if the retention policy applying fail.


status.retried is a boolean field which specifies whether this session was retried or not in case of failed backup. This field will exist only if the retryConfig has been set in the respective backup invoker.


status.nextRetry specifies the timestamp when this backup will be retried if it has failed. This field will exist only if the retryConfig has been set in the respective backup invoker.


status.conditions shows the conditions of different operations/steps of the backup process. The following conditions are set by the KubeStash operator on a BackupSession.

Condition TypeUsage
BackupSkippedindicates that the current session was skipped.
SessionHistoryCleanedindicates whether the backup history was cleaned or not according to backupHistoryLimit.
PreBackupHooksExecutionSucceededindicates whether the pre-backup hooks were executed successfully or not.
PostBackupHooksExecutionSucceededindicates whether the post-backup hooks were executed successfully or not.
BackupExecutorEnsuredindicates whether the Backup Executor was ensured or not.
SnapshotsEnsuredindicates whether Snapshots were ensured for each Repository or not
MetricsPushedindicates whether Metrics were pushed or not
SnapshotCleanupIncompleteindicates whether Snapshot cleanup incomplete or not

Next Steps

  • Learn how backup of workloads data works from here.
  • Learn how backup stand alone PVC works from here.